Saturday, 29 March 2014

What is Key lime? The Key lime is a citrus species  with a globose fruit, that is yellow when ripe but usually picked green commercially. It is smaller and seedier, with a higher acidity, a stronger aroma, and a thinner rind, than that of the Persian lime. It is valued for its unique flavor compared to other limes, with the Key lime usually having a more tart and bitter flavor. 

The name comes from its association with the Florida Keys, where it is best known as the flavoring ingredient in Key lime pie. It is also known as West Indian lime, bartender’s lime, Omani lime, or Mexican lime, the latter classified as a distinct race with a thicker skin and darker green color. Philippine varieties have various names, including dayap and bilolo.

But although this fruit is small, it has a lot of benefits. Below are some benefits from Key lime :

1. Improving the Performance of Digestion
Consuming Key lime mixed in a glass of warm water will give a good effect on the digestive process. It stimulates and activates the body's entire digestive process, helping you stay healthy and active.
2. Increase Endurance
The content of vitamin C in Key lime will provide protection against diseases caused by cold and various other disease. With increased immune to maintain and protect the body from infection and disease.
3. Inhibits Aging 
Content of Vitamin C in the Key lime acts as a natural antioxidant. So, the body will fights a dangerous free radicals to the body that causes a lot of damage to your skin. If you want youthful face, then drink a glass of warm Key lime will make you fight wrinkles as a result of premature aging. 
4. Lose Weight 
Weight watchers often recommend to start the day with a glass of warm Key lime water. In addition to providing a feeling of fullness, lime juice also provide fiber and vitamin C which helps to lose weight. 
5. Treat Cough 
A lime washed, squeezed, mixed with 1 tablespoon honey and a little salt, stir well and filtered. Drink 2-3 times a day until healed.
6. Eliminate Acne 
One sliced Key lime and then rub on to the skin. 
7. Body Slimming 
Add the lime juice into a cup of green tea. Drink this mixture every morning and evening. Do it every day. 
8. Reduce Blackheads
Rubbing lime juice over the face that there are many blackheads. Do it at night and leave it overnight. So, you can rinse the next morning. Do it every day for maximum results.
9. Lifting Dead Skin Cells
Content of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) in Key lime can carry the dead skin cells that are in our face. This has been demonstrated by the wide range of research. Clean skin can makes the pores breathing more freely. Support the formation of new healthy skin, and keeping skin elasticity. For maximum results, use pure Key lime and apply to the skin with the help of cotton.
10. Disorders Menstruation 
3 tablespoons of lime juice plus 1 tablespoon honey and 2 glasses of hot water. Stir well. Drink while warm. Do it three times a day.

Source :

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Kolesterol secara kimia adalah lemak yang menyerupai alkohol, berkilau seperti mutiara, terdapat di dalam sel tubuh manusia dan hewan, terutama sel saraf dan otak, mempunyai peranan penting dalam pengangkutan lemak dan pembuatan hormon. Juga bisa diartikan steroid yg banyak terdapat dalam minyak dan lemak hewan, kuning telur, jaringan saraf, empedu dan batu empedu. Kolesterol juga berarti lemak yang biasa terdapat dalam darah, otak, empedu, dan batu empedu.

Lalu apakah kolesterol itu berbahaya? Jawabannya adalah bisa ya dan tidak. Kolesterol sendiri berfungsi untuk membantu proses biokimiawi dalam tubuh. Namun, terlalu banyak kolesterol juga tidak baik. Karena sebenarnya kolesterol yang kita butuhkan dalam tubuh hanya sedikit. Kolesterol memiliki dua jenis, antara lain :

1.   LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) - Adalah  lemak dengan molekul kecil pengangkut lemak dari hati ke sel-sel. Lemak ini adalah lemak yang sering kita sebut sebagai kolesterol jahat. Mengapa demikian? Karena bila terlalu banyak, akan menyebabkan sumbatan arteri karena menumpuknya lemak di dinding pembuluh yang mengalirkan darah ke jantung dan otak. Lemak ini kemudian mengental, mengeras, dan akhirnya membentuk plak. Kondisi ini dinamakan atherosklerosis. 

Bila plak tersebut menyumbat pembuluh darah jantung, maka Anda akan merasakan nyeri dada dan juga berisiko terkena serangan jantung. Apabila pembuluh darah otak yang tersumbat, maka Anda berisiko untuk terkena stroke. Sangat jahat bukan?

2.  HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) - Adalah lemak dengan molekul besar pengangkut kolesterol dari sel-sel untuk kembali ke hati. Lemak ini adalah lemak yang sering kita sebut sebagai kolesterol baik. Mengapa demikian? Karena lemak ini dapat mengikis LDL sehingga dapat mencegah atherosklerosis, yaitu penyempitan dan pengerasan pembuluh darah akibat menumpuknya bahan berlemak, seperti lemak, kolesterol, kalsium dan zat lainnya.

Jumlah kolesterol total dalam darah sebaiknya tidak melebihi 200 mg/100 ml darah. Bagi sebagian besar orang, tingkat LDL yang disarankan adalah tidak melebihi 100 mg/dL. Tingkat LDL tinggi merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya stroke dan penyakit jantung, yang merupakan dua penyebab utama kematian. 
Pedoman kolesterol terbaru merekomendasikan untuk menurunkan tingkat kolesterol jahat (LDL) menjadi 70 mg/dL bila terdapat faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular seperti menderita tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes, obesitas, memiliki orang tua dan kerabat dekat yang mengidap penyakit jantung koroner atau stroke pada usia relatif muda (kurang dari 55 tahun). Walaupun mungkin ada sedikit perbedaan untuk nilai tersebut menurut usia, jenis kelamin dan ras. Anda dapat mengetahui jumlah kolesterol total, LDL, dan HDL Anda melalui pemeriksaan darah.

Sumber :

Sunday, 2 March 2014

In a village in Sumatra, there lived a farmer. He was a farmer who diligently worked the farm although not extensive. He can be self-sufficient from their work tireless. Actually he became old enough to marry, but he still chose to live alone. 

In a sunny morning, the farmer was fishing in the river. "Hopefully today I got a big fish," muttered the farmer. Some time after the hook is thrown, the hook looks rocking. He immediately pulled the hook. The farmer was cheered with joy after receiving a sizeable fish.

He was amazed at the beautiful colors of fish scales. The fish scales yellow gold reddish. Both round and protruding eyes flashing amazing. "Wait, don't eat me and I will be willing to accompany you if you don't eat me." The farmer was shocked to hear the voice of the fish. Due to the shock, the fish fell to the ground. Then not long, the fish was transformed into a beautiful young woman. "Was I Dreaming?," Muttered the farmer.

"Don't be scared sir, I'm also a human being like you. I am deeply indebted to you for saving me from the curse of the Gods," the girl said. "My name is Princess, I don't mind to be your wife," said the girl as urgent. Farmers even then nodded. They then become husband and wife. However, there is a promise that has been agreed, that they shouldn't tell that the origins Princess from a fish. If the promise is breached there will be a terrible disaster.

After reached the village, the villagers saw the beautiful girl with the farmers. "He might be an angel coming down from heaven," they muttered. Farmers feel very happy and peaceful. As a good husband, he continues to work to earn a living by cultivating rice paddies and fields with a diligent and tenacious. Due diligence and tenacity, the farmer in his life without shortcomings. Many people envy, and they spread the bad suspicion that could topple the success of farmers. "I know it must maintain Farmer spirits!" Someone said to her friend. It reached the ears Farmer and Princess. But they don't feel offended, even more diligent work.

A year later, Farmer and his wife happiness increases, because the Farmer's wife gave birth to a baby boy. He was given name Putera. They happiness don't make them forget themselves. Putera grow into a healthy and strong child. He became a good boy but a little naughty. He has a habit of making wonder his parents, which is always hungry. The food should be eaten three of them can be eaten alone.

Over time, Putera always annoy his father. If told to help parents work, he always refused. The farmer's wife always reminds farmers to be patient over their child behavior. "Yes, I will be patient, even though he was our son!" The farmer said to his wife. "Thankfully, kanda think like that. Kanda was a husband and a good father," said Princess to her husband.

Indeed, people said, patience has limits. This was experienced by the Farmers. One day, Putera got the task delivering food and drinks to the fields where his father was working. But the Putera didn't fulfilling his duty. Farmers waiting for the arrival of his son, while holding thirsty and hungry. He went straight home. He saw Putera was playing ball. Farmers became angry he pinched his son ear. "Children do not know lucky! Not know yourself! Fish child!," The vituperation Farmers unwittingly uttered the taboo.

After farmer spoke those words, instantly the child and his wife vanished. Without a trace and trail. From the former stamping his feet, a sudden gush of water are very heavy and getting heavier. Farmers village and surrounding villages submerged. Water overflowed very high and wide so as to form a lake. And finally forming a lake. The lake was eventually known as Lake Toba. Meanwhile, a small island in the middle known as Samosir Island.

Bali is just one of the many small islands of Indonesia, but without a doubt, it is one of the most famous islands of Indonesia. Bali is frequently referred to as "The Paradise Island" because of its reputation in the world as a tropical paradise of untold beautiful nature, idyllic mood and never ending fascination. The island is also known as "The Island of Gods" because worship colors every facet of life among the Hindu Balinese in their daily activities.

Bali occupies an area of only about 6,000 square kilometers. The longest distance is about 140 kilometers. Bali is located just off the eastern tip of Java, from which it is separated by the narrow Bali Straits. Immediately to its east is the island of Lombok, across the Lombok straits. On the south and north side of the island is flanked by the Indian Ocean and Java Sea, respectively. The island lies eight degrees south of the equator.

Hills and mountains fill the central parts of the island, running along an east-west axis which is naturally adorned by beautiful lakes and rivers winding slowly to the clean sea water. The highest mountain in Bali is Mount Agung (3,142 m) where the Besakih Mother Temple is located on its slope. 

The island of Bali is a province of Indonesia, and is administered by a governor. With a population of approximately three million people and most of them are Hindu, Bali is one of the most densely populated territories of Indonesia.The province of Bali consists of eight regencies and a municipality of Denpasar which is also the capital city of Bali.

The Balinese warm hospitality comes naturally which is believed will be not encountered elsewhere. Bali has become very famous for tourist and artists from all over the world since the 1920's. They have been coming to Bali since that time, when air travel was in its infancy and sea travel was considered extravagant.

Bali nowadays has become one of the most popular and interesting tourist destination in central Indonesia and has been appointed by the government to be the center and pilot project of tourism development. Current statistics show over a million international visitors come to Bali annually and most of them disembark at Ngurah Rai International Airport and some at Benoa and Padangbai ports on cruise ships. Those arriving by overland from Java disembark at Gilimanuk port in west Bali.

Bali has a great range of accommodation from very basic homestays up to international five star/diamond class hotels spread out on the beach resorts of Nusa Dua, Sanur, Jimbaran, Kuta, Candidasa, Lovina and the mountain resorts of Bedugul, Kintamani, and also at the wonderful rice field area of Ubud (art village). A wide range of day tours are available to the main temples and other sightseeing locations. Besides the local Bemo transport system, extensive tourist coaches operate throughout the island.

For the sport lovers a wide selection of marine sports like surfing, diving, fishing, cruising, etc., adventure tours like white water rafting, cycling, trekking, etc. and international standard golf courses are available.

Bali is also an ideal venue for shoppers, offering an amazing wide range of quality items at reasonable prices including leather goods, clothing using traditional fabrics, wood carvings and antiques as well as gold and silver works. The Balinese have always been famous for their superb craftsmanship in a variety of materials: stone, wood, silver and even bone. 

They are also famous for their paintings and textiles. Craft skills are applied in a multitude styles from the purely traditional to avant-garde and those can be easily found at the art & souvenir shops throughout the island. Duty free goods can also be found at selected duty free shops.

For detailed information, please visit :


The roaring engines fixed to a large wooden boat are finally quiet. Nothing can be heard but the rifting little waves, lapping against the vibrant paint on the sides of the vessel that gracefully slows down. Native birds hop on the tip of a small tree in one of the deserted islands in the distance.
  Raja Ampat or ‘Four Kings’, is the name given to these islands and comes from a local myth. The four major islands found here are Waigeo, Misool (which is home to ancient rock paintings), Salawati, and Batanta.
Underwater enthusiasts flock to this region because it offers the world’s best marine sights. Two days earlier, some of these travelers had been at a deafening corner of a tourist trap in Bali. Once they took their flight to the bird head of the island of Papua everything changed as they embarked on a diving tour of a lifetime. In the Raja Ampat islands, divers can explore vertical underwater walls. The thrill of drift diving is another great challenge. These are the awesome experiences you will find in Raja Ampat.

Meanwhile, on this tour several divers were well equipped and looked advanced. The territory within the islands of the Four Kings is enormous, covering 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. This makes it the most diverse living library for world's coral reef and underwater biota. According to a report developed by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International, around 75% of the world's species live here. When divers first arrive here their excitement is palpable. It's common to hear people praise God as they take in the remarkable scenery.
Others prefer to remain in silence taking in the overwhelming sight of so many islands with crystal clear water that softly brushes over the white sandy beaches. "Disini bagus!", says the friendly local guide who had been appointed by the tour operator who runs an eco-lodge in Raja Ampat, indicating that they have arrived at one of the most fantastic diving sites.

On other days, this guide is just a simple fisherman. The local fishermen here are accustomed to foreigners and are friendly, especially when offered pinang (betel nuts) or some sweet candies. These are very popular and offering these sweets is considered polite and a good way to win an instant smile. The fishermen usually eat this snack during Para-para Pinang, or social chatting and exchanging funny stories while chewing Pinang. In many respects, like nature, culture, and history, these fishermen are closer to the Moluccas.

"No doubt about it, Raja Ampat is definitely the richest place for fish that I have ever been." -Dr G.R. Allen

"I was like a five-year-old, seeing a reef for the very first time. I was awestruck, held by the incredible power of this richest reef. We must, with all available resources, preserve the beauty of Raja Ampat. This may be the last frontier." -Michael Aw

"I love the people, I love the diving, it's super! I've never been for a second time to the same dive destination but now I'm thinking about going back for the third time! Should I say more?" -Peter van Dalen

While the landscape may look like a dream, this is not an illusion. As you embark on your dive, the phrase "Attention to detail" takes on new meaning as pigmy seahorses swim around your fingers. Manta Rays and wobbegongs will glide right by you.
 Tuna fish, giant trevallies, snappers, and even barracudas are there to complete your underwater "meeting list". Not to mention the friendly assistant of the dugong, and a busy colleague, the turtle.  Natural and untouched beauty is the main attraction here. With no unnecessary adages, the sky, the lush islands, the sea, and everything above and under it is genuinely saying "Welcome to Raja Ampat Islands, your personal Disneyland of diving sites".
Raja Ampat Conservation Area is home to 1,511 species of reef fish in the Bird’s Head Seascape; 1,320 species of reef fish in Raja Ampat; 75% of all known coral species in the world;
10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean; In the Birds Head Seascape there 600 species of hard coral recorded; 5 species of endangered sea turtles; 57 species of Mantis Shrimp; 13 species of Marine Mammals; And 27 species of endemic reef fish found only in that area.
For detailed information, please visit :
